Online Admission Form (MA) Full Name* Nationality* Gender* —Please choose an option—MaleFemaleThird Gender Are you a domicile of Meghalaya? (Attach Evidence)* —Please choose an option—YesNo Father's Name* Mother's Name* Present Address* Permanent Address* Email* Aadhar Card No* Mobile No.* Date of Birth* Blood Group* Marital Status* —Please choose an option—MarriedUnmarried Religion* —Please choose an option—ChristianHinduMuslimIndigenousJainSikhBuddhistOther Do you belong to: (Attach Certificate)* —Please choose an option—Schedule CasteSchedule TribeOther Backward CommunityGeneralOther Differently-abled? (Attach Certificate)* —Please choose an option—YesNo In case of disability: Loco MotorVisualHearing ImpairedOther Education Qualification (Matriculation onwards)*: -+ Declaration by the Applicant and the Guardian I declare that the entries made by me in the form are correct and to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that if any of the entries are found to be incorrect, my admission is liable to be rejected. I undertake to abide by the rules of the College/University enforced from time to time and to submit myself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the authorities of the institution. I undertake that I shall not involve in ragging of any form. In case I am found to be involved in ragging in the College, I shall be liable to be expelled. Guardian's Name* Guardian's Address* Guardian's relationship to the applicant* Guardian's Phone No* Programme applied for*: —Please choose an option—MA EducationMA Khasi CUET (PG) Score (if any) ---- File Limit for the following uploads: 1MB Upload CUET (PG) Score Card (if any) Upload Final Bachelor Degree Marksheet* Upload Class 12th Marksheet* Upload Passport Photo Upload Signature Upload evidence (Meghalaya Domicile) Upload ST/SC/OBC Certificate Upload Class 10th Admit Card/Birth Certificate Upload Certificate (in case of disability)